Tuesday, June 23, 2009

"My Sister's Keeper"

Tonight I saw a prescreening (I win a lot of tickets through the 101.9 Lite Fm Email Listeners Club emails, sign up for it!) of "My Sister's Keeper." This is a story about a little girl that was genetically engineered to save her sister's life (the sister has leukemia). She files for medical emancipation from her parents so that she does not have to undergo any more medical procedures, surgeries, etc. The key question of the movie is WHY does she file for this emancipation? While the subject matter is rather serious, there are many funny moments intertwined into the movie. This movie hooked me in the first 30 seconds and I loved it. It is a definite chick flick, take a girlfriend! Bonnie came with me and I was glad, Jason would have been muttering sarcastic comments under his breath as I cried!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Feeding Hokey Pokey!

We have started feeding Blake cereal from a spoon this week. It's hilarious! I put the food in, he spits it back out and laughs, repeat about 10 times! I can't believe how quickly time is flying and that we are already to another milestone like this!

Summer vacation officially began last Friday at 12:15, but it hasn't really felt like it yet. On Monday and Tuesday I went to school to clean out book rooms. It wouldn't have been so bad except the AC was turned off due to construction. I get a strange joy out of throwing things away and organizing, so in a sick way I suppose I enjoyed it. Tomorrow it's off to the Hilton BWI for the annual MIBR (Maryland Institute of Beginning Reading) conference. Last year the speaker was terrible and I was out of there by lunch. I'm hoping they have someone good this time!

Even if I do have to work a little, I enjoy the slower pace in the summer. I love being at home with the boys!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Dutch Wonderland=Dutch Wonderful

This weekend I finally convinced Jason that we should spring for Dutch Wonderland season passes. I love taking the kids there. It's clean in every aspect! Which is hard to find these days! In 3 visits it will pay for itself. We've already been twice as in my excitement to have season passes I convinced Jason take us up on Saturday AND Sunday. Caleb has turned into quite the daredevil. Last year he was scared of everything, this year he ran from ride to ride. Since we can't quite afford to take a big vacation this summer I look forward to our fun trips to Dutch Wonderland as a family.
Blake on the monorail with Daddy... his shirt says, "Who you callin' crabby?"

Caleb holding "Duke the Dragon" on the monorailWe swung by Chocolate World in Hershey to take the free chocolate factory tour. Parking is also free if you're in and out within two hours, which is very easy to do!