Wednesday, March 31, 2010

"How to Train Your Dragon" and Other Spring Break Fun!

This morning Caleb and I went to see "How to Train Your Dragon" at the AMC in White Marsh. I made the decision to go to the matinee' showing as movie ticket prices have risen sharply even in just a few months! I understand that this is a result of 3-D movies becoming popular, but costing more. What doesn't make sense is that all prices have gone up! It's $17 for 3-D Imax and $10 for the regular movie. Going before noon cost $6 to see the regular movie. Pretty soon we will just start buying movies as they come out on DVD since there is a quick turn around any way!

Less talk about how expensive movies are and onto the movie itself! I liked the movie overall. It had a good message about loving your enemies and looking closer to see why they are your enemies. While I like the movie for adults, teenagers, and even intermediate aged elementary students, this is not a kids movie. I honestly wish that I had not taken Caleb. It was laced with adult humor and was downright scary and violent at times! I give it 2 out of 4 stars for this reason.

Other than taking little day trips (tomorrow we are off to Storyville) we have been enjoying our time together over this spring break. Caleb and Blake are becoming so cool to watch! They actually play (and even have two-sided arguments) together now.

Over Spring Break Caleb was given homework from his preschool teacher, which was writing his name. I've spent a lot of time with him on this, it hasn't come easy! Above is the first one that turned out legible. I am proud of him! I found the "rainbow words" strategy to be most effective. I wrote his name in black marker several times. He would then trace over the same word multiple times, each time with a different color. He really had a time with "e." It's tricky!
We're looking forward to more fun and great weather for the rest of the week! :)

1 comment:

  1. That is really neat that Caleb can write his name. Elsie can do letters that are straight but we are still working on curved ones. I have a tracing book that she is working with, but I'm not pushing her too hard.

    I did a post about the Hands-On House so you can see some pictures!
