Monday, March 15, 2010


After all the Oscar buzz I caved in and rented the R rated movie "Precious." I'm honestly glad I did! While filled with profanity and horrifying, its message is amazing and the movie itself is thought provoking. The plot line is filled to the brim, but I found myself clinging to the teacher that tries to help Precious rise from her situation. One person's love can make a difference. My only complaint is that there is a lot of loose ends that are left open to interpretation. I love clear, concise endings. I don't want to say too much more, it would be easy slip and spoil things. Go rent it now!

1 comment:

  1. I had the bumblebee fabric from another project that I did. I got it at a quilt shop here. They carry nicer (but more expensive) fabrics than JoAnns. I sewed the sunflower buttons on. I didn't want to attach anything with glue because I was afraid it would come off in the wash.
