Friday, April 9, 2010

Sick Day

Poor Blakey has been battling spring allergies and losing for the last week! His coughing is waking him up several times a night and my normally pleasant little one has turned into Oscar the grouch's twin! I decided enough was enough and I took off today to take him to the doctor's (our medical insurance provider Kaiser P has changed things and there are no late hours and if we need urgent care we have to drive to Woodlawn, yuck!).

I am SO glad that I did took him! I honestly had guilt issues about taking off work the week after spring break. It turns out that he not only has spring allergy issues but a baby version of a sinus infection! It's a little different for babies since their sinuses are not fully developed yet. He has been put on amoxicillin (sp?). In addition to the sinus infection he also has bad spring allergies and is allowed to take the liquid form of Zyrtec. This was a huge development as a few years ago we were told that babies don't get spring allergies! Pfft!

Despite the fact that it was a sick day, I managed to sneak in some fun! If life gives you lemons make lemonade afterall!

For bath time I whipped out body soap paints by Avon! Caleb enjoyed turning his hair green and drawing smiley faces on himself.
Caleb also put it in Blake's hair!

Caleb also pulled out his play doh spaghetti maker. Play doh is not my favorite toy since little pieces get all over the floor, but Jason has to clean the floor tomorrow any way! Why not?!

I'm not sure if it's the medication or exhaustion but Blakey is ending the day with a big smile on his face!
Tomorrow Caleb and I are off to the circus with our friends Stacey and Maddie (his girlfriend... maybe his future wife? JOKING). I am secretly just as excited about this as Caleb!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad my Blakey-Pooh is feeling better :)
    And I'm just as excited as Maddie! Yayyyy!!!
