Today we are spending a day at home. We are catching up on chores, getting ready for a short week of work, and organizing. I spent 2 hours this morning just switching Blake's clothing from 0-3 months to 3-6 months. He has so many clothes for this summer! I am beginning to understand more and more every day as to why God blessed us with another boy!
On a silly side note, I am DYING to watch Jon & Kate Plus 8 tonight. Those of you who know me well know this show has been one of my guilty pleasures for years. With all of the controversy lately I can't wait to hear their side of the story. Part of me wants to believe that it's all a lie, but part of me knows that it has to be somewhat of a scam! Last summer Jason drove me to Pennsylvania to hear them speak at a church event. They spoke about the biblical principals they follow as parents and in their marriage. I hung on every word. Then I paid twenty dollars to get their autograph. That should have been the moment I knew it was a scam! Here is a picture from the autograph line.
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